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33,500 kr
Alle våre exlusive produkter er håndlaget og blir bestilt ved henvendelse. Ta kontakt
33,500 kr
In the Simply Italy Black Edition, we’ve introduced a new technical solution: electronic polarization. This solution ensures the stable working point of the power valve throughout its lifespan, eliminating the need for auto-bias. This design allows us to extract the best performance from the KT77 valve and provide maximum power to the valve. We’ve also redesigned the output transformer, now featuring a refined 5-section design, to further enhance the sound quality from the KT77. Additionally, we’ve revised the circuitry in the signal path and power management. The input selection circuit now utilizes the same advanced technology found in our most premium equipment. We’ve also paid extreme attention to the design of ground paths and channel separation to ensure optimal performance. All the new Black Edition series are equipped with 3 digital inputs USB,SPDIF and Toslink
Output power: 10W
Bandwidth (-1dB): 15Hz – 50kHz
Signal valves: 2 x ECC82 Gold Lion
Output power valves: 2 x KT77 Gold Lion
Polarization: pure Class A in ultralinear configuration with tap at 43% (power valves)
Inputs: 3 line RCA, 1 USB, 1 SPDIF, 1 Toslink
Outputs: 1 subwoofer RCA (stereo)
Feedback: selectable between 4dB and 3dB
Dimensions (x y z): 26 x 40 x 18 cm – 10 x 15.5 x 7.5 inches
Weight: 15Kg